There can never be enough science on Twitter. Following user requests and discussions on our forum, we’ve now added a way to quickly share papers on Twitter (and Facebook and Google Plus). Read on to learn about the new feature and other improvements we’ve made to sharing.
Share papers quickly on social networks
To share one or more papers, select them in your list, click “Share > Social” in the toolbar menu and choose the service you want to share on:
Some important points we considered when we planned this feature:
- Not everyone uses social networks and while useful for some it should not affect the experience for others. So, the social buttons are hidden behind a menu and are only loaded on demand. As a result, the interface does not get unnecessarily cluttered and site performance is not affected.
- The sharing function is quickly accessible with the keyboard shortcut Shift-T (“T”weet).
- If you share a single paper the DOI or another public web-link is used. Your paper will appear nicely in your Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus stream taking into account special meta-information provided by the publisher (e.g. images and summaries). This way it can also be tracked by Tweet or Like counters or for Altmetrics purposes. Only if no link is available, a Paperpile sharing link with the reference will be created (similar to private sharing links). That makes it possible to also share old papers or other sources without a URL.
- It’s also possible to share multiple papers. In this case, Paperpile will create a sharing link with all papers for you automatically. That makes it easy to share special collections you have put together.
- It’s perfectly safe to hit the Tweet button! Paperpile will never share PDFs or other files on social networks.
Better email subject lines and new keyboard shortcuts
We’ve also made a few changes to email sharing. As requested on our forum, we now use the paper title in the subject line. If you get many emails it is easier to keep track of them in your inbox.
To make sharing via email even faster, we also added a keyboard shortcut. Shift-S will bring up the email sharing dialog. You just need to find the email address in your contact list and hit send. At this point we don’t think there is any faster way to share a paper.
For a reminder of all our sharing features see this blog post from last year. Thanks to all our customers who helped to improve these features.