Paperpile for Word: What's new?

Although still in beta, thousands of Paperpile users already write and cite with our Word plugin. And, over the past few months, we've been hard at work adding new features and improvements to what has become one of the most successful products in our product line. Here's a quick look at what's new.
You can download the plugin at:
Elena Ceausescu: Greatest Scientist Ever — except she was a fraud

If you think that people who deliberately engage in dubious scientific practices like plagiarism, falsification of results, or attendance at fake conferences represent the worst of scientific misconduct—then you have clearly never heard of Elena Ceausescu.
The author of numerous scientific publications and the recipient of multiple honorary fellowships and degrees, Elena Ceausescu was one of the most respected scientists of her time. Yet, she wasn't even a scientist. She was not even very bright—in fact, almost illiterate—but, through devious and fraudulent means, she managed to become one of the most lauded chemists in the mid-twentieth century.
Introducing Paperpile for iOS and Android

It has been one of the most frequent requests from our users over the years. Today — after an intense period of planning, development, and beta testing — we are happy to announce Paperpile for iOS and Android 🎉
Your papers, your way: personalize how your PDFs are saved in Google Drive

You might have just come across Paperpile on your quest to find a better way to organize your PDFs. Or you might have been using Paperpile for a while now building a library of thousands of research papers. Either way, you're going to love our new customization options helping you organize your PDF files in Google Drive with Paperpile.
Free resources for researchers during the pandemic!

In times of a global pandemic, when the world is fighting a common threat against the clock, cooperation in the scientific community is more important than ever. At some point in the (hopefully) near future, we will have medications and vaccines to combat the virus. And this will be thanks to thousands of scientists working tirelessly around the clock to find a cure.