The Shortest Papers Ever Published

This blog post is about short papers. It seems out of place writing a long introduction.

If you ever wondered about the shortest papers ever published, or you just want to take the unique opportunity to read several papers in full within one minute, this post is for you.

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6 Tips for Writing Your Thesis in Google Docs

The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, which means it’s officially spring time. This is good news for just about everyone… except those with a looming thesis deadline.

If you’re pursuing a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD, you’re either feeling very good or very not-so-good right about now. For some of you, no words have yet made it onto the page. That’s okay! We’re not here to judge. We’re here to help.

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You Can Now Download PDFs Off-Campus with Paperpile’s Library Proxy Integration

Everyone in academia has experienced the following dilemma. You are researching a topic and finally find an article that contains the information you need. You want to read it but realize that you don’t have access to the PDF from your current location. Suddenly, your research has come to a stand-still unless you can find a way around the missing link.

This bottleneck has a political dimension which leads to heated discussions promoting the open access movement and also defending the publisher’s side.

But in everyday life, it is mostly just a very practical and annoying problem. If you are not on your university campus, you don’t have access to the articles your university has licensed.

Today we are announcing a new feature which lets Paperpile connect to your institution’s network so you can download all PDFs exactly as if you were sitting in the library.

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Google Drive for Researchers: 3 Perspectives from the Paperpile Team

We saved the last spot in our research productivity series for Google Drive. We found it’s harder to generate the enthusiasm about Google Drive for researchers than for the other apps we covered. This is because it forms the basic infrastructure of our cloud workflow. Yes, like any other basic infrastructure, things would break down without it, but who actually thinks much about infrastructure? Andreas, Isabel and Stefan in our team decided to do just that and here’s why we love Google Drive.

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6 Ways to Streamline Communication in Your Research Group Using Slack

When it first hit the scene back in 2012, Slack took the business world by storm as the fastest growing enterprise app ever. What made it so irresistible? In a nutshell: it’s real-time chat that integrates with all of your channels, making it a verifiable communication hub. The companies that adopt it claim it’s completely transformed their workflow and nearly eliminated email.

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Brought to you by the folks at Paperpile.

We love papers so we blog about it.


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