Migrate from Zotero

Note: A new version of Paperpile is coming in summer 2024. Please visit our temporary new Help Center until these pages are updated.

Import your existing Zotero library directly into Paperpile. The steps differ depending on whether your library is fully synced online or not.

If your library is synced online

Paperpile can automatically import your Zotero library and attachments from the web.

  1. Open the menu
  2. Choose Import from other Programs
  3. Follow the on-screen options

Note: Private group libraries will not be imported when "Accept Defaults" is selected. In order to import also private group libraries click "Change Permissions" and select in "Default Group Permissions" the "Read Only" option.

If your library is not synced

Your Zotero library and PDFs can still be imported with a few easy steps:

  1. Export your Zotero library to a new folder on your desktop. Choose File > Export Library... and select RIS format with all options checked. Here is an example:
  2. In Paperpile open the menu, choose Upload Files and add both your exported RIS file and your entire Zotero PDF folder to the upload dialog. Click Start upload to begin.
  3. Paperpile will import your library and attach all existing PDFs to their correct articles when possible. When the import is complete, double-check any articles marked as incomplete or duplicates to help keep your library clean.


  • Too many duplicates were encountered during import: This message will occur if you attempt to import a web library with many papers that are identical to items already in your library. Most likely, your web library has already been imported, in which case you should delete your existing imported folder before re-trying the import. (Note: Paperpile does not sync papers with Mendeley or Zotero — library import should only be run once!)
  • An unexpected error occurred: This message may be shown if the Zotero or Mendeley web service is unavailable, or if an unrecoverable error occurred while downloading data from their external servers. Wait a few minutes before trying again, and if the error persists please contact support@paperpile.com .

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