Migrate from EndNote

Note: A new version of Paperpile is coming in summer 2024. Please visit our temporary new Help Center until these pages are updated.

Any EndNote library, including attached PDFs, can be easily imported into Paperpile. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open your EndNote library and export it to your computer in XML or RIS format: click File > Export..., under output style choose "Select Another Style".

    This will open up a new dialog; choose EndNote Export (recommended) or "RefMan Ris Export". Make sure to uncheck "export selected references" to ensure that your entire library is exported. If you choose EndNote Export select "XML (*.xml)" in the Save as type drop-down menu. Click Save to save this file to your desktop.

  2. Find the ".Data" folder that holds your library's PDFs. For most libraries, EndNote creates a folder in the same directory as your EndNote library file. It has the same name as your library with the suffix ".Data" appended. Keep this folder open for the next step.
  3. Back in Paperpile, open the menu, choose Upload Files and add both your exported XML/RIS file and the entire ".Data" folder to the upload dialog. You can add them either by dragging them onto the drop area, or by using the "Choose file(s)/Choose a folder" buttons. Once you see your RIS and folder in the list of selected filed, click Start Upload to begin.
  4. Paperpile will import your EndNote library and attach all existing PDFs to their correct articles when possible. When the import is complete, double-check any articles marked as incomplete or duplicates to help keep your library clean.

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