Import unorganized PDFs from your computer

Note: These help pages are outdated and do not apply to the new version of Paperpile released in Summer 2024. For up-to-date information, please visit our temporary Help Center while we work on updating these pages.

Before discovering Paperpile, many of our users have saved all their PDFs in some folders on their computer. You can use any collection of unorganized PDFs as starting point for your Paperpile library.

  1. Open the menu
  2. Choose the Upload Files function
  3. Drag and drop some files into the window
  4. Click Start upload to begin.

Paperpile will parse each PDF and use all detectable metadata (including data fetched online from databases like PubMed) to import the article into your library. A message will be displayed for any errors or warnings encountered during the import process.

Note: If a PDF matches up exactly with an existing item in your library, Paperpile will automatically attach the PDF to that item instead of adding a duplicate entry.

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