Journal abbreviation: No-dig international

The abbreviation of the journal title "No-dig international" is "No-Dig Int.". It is the recommended abbreviation to be used for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes and meets all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating names of scientific journals.

Abbreviation rules

The table below outlines in detail the ISO 4 rules and matches to the ISSN maintained list of title word abbreviations (TWA) to derive the abbreviation.

No-digNo-DigNo abbreviation listed in TWA.
internationalInt.matches the stem "internation-"

Abbreviation systems

ISO 4 abbreviation is a uniform system created by the International Organization for Standardization to abbreviate journal titles in a consistent manner. It serves to facilitate effective communication and reference within the academic community.

Journal title abbreviations include ISO (International Organization for Standardization) for a wide range of subjects, NLM (National Library of Medicine) for biomedical and life sciences, and CASSI (CAS Source Index) for chemistry and related fields.

About the journal

Full journal titleNo-dig international
AbbreviationNo-Dig Int.
ISSN (print)0960-4405
ISSN (online)NA
NLM catalogNA

Other journal abbreviations