Journal abbreviation: IEEE journal of solid-state circuits

The abbreviation of the journal title "IEEE journal of solid-state circuits" is "IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits". It is the recommended abbreviation to be used for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes and meets all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating names of scientific journals.

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Abbreviation rules

The table below outlines in detail the ISO 4 rules and matches to the ISSN maintained list of title word abbreviations (TWA) to derive the abbreviation.

IEEEIEEERule 4.4: Acronyms shall be retained in the abbreviated title.
journalJ.matches the word "journal"
ofRule 4.3: prepositions shall be omitted from title abbreviations.
solid-stateSolid-StateNo abbreviation listed in TWA.
circuitsCircuitsNo abbreviation listed in TWA.

Abbreviation systems

Developed by the International Organization for Standardization, the ISO 4 abbreviation system provides a standardized way of abbreviating journal titles. This consistency enables researchers to efficiently identify and cite journals in their work.

The abbreviation of journal titles follows ISO (International Organization for Standardization) for an array of subjects, NLM (National Library of Medicine) for biomedical sciences, and CASSI (CAS Source Index) for chemistry and related disciplines.

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About the journal

Full journal titleIEEE journal of solid-state circuits
AbbreviationIEEE J. Solid-State Circuits
ISSN (print)0018-9200
ISSN (online)1558-173X
NLM catalog101212687

Other journal abbreviations