With Paperpile it has always been easy to export your references to a BibTeX file. However, wouldn't it be great to have an always up-to-date BibTeX file that's synced automatically with your library?

We think so, and that's why you can do exactly that today. You can now automatically sync a folder, label, or your complete library to a BibTeX file in Google Drive, GitHub, or a downloadable web link.

From our survey (thanks to all 591 who took the time to respond!) we know many of you use Overleaf to write their papers. So, we also added direct support to link your Paperpile library to your Overleaf projects via a BibTeX file.

Automatic BibTeX export

To get started, find the new menu Workflows and integrations in the gear menu on the top right:

Choose BibTeX Export. Select a folder, label, or your whole library and it will be kept in sync with a BibTeX file. You set it up once and you can forget about it.

Google Drive

If you sync your file to Google Drive, you can use your BibTeX file wherever you can access Google Drive.

If you use Google's Drive Sync app, your BibTeX files will be synced to your local hard drive on macOS or Windows.


GitHub is an obvious choice to keep track of your LaTeX projects, in particular if you work collaboratively. To link your Paperpile library to your GitHub projects, simply share your repository with our cute Paperpile Bot. He will commit a change to your repository whenever you add, edit, or remove a reference.

Get a download link that will always give you an up-to-date BibTeX file. It's great to use on the command line or integrate into your scripts.

Overleaf integration

Overleaf is a highly popular collaborative online LaTeX writing environment, which made this one of our most requested features.

You can now automatically export references to a BibTeX file in your Overleaf project. Simply select the folder, label, or the library you want to use in Overleaf and add the link to your Overleaf project:

More to come...

Before you ask: Yes, we have plans to support customized BibTeX keys and Markdown 😅. There are more features to come for LaTeX and Markdown users.

Note, we deliberately added the new features presented here in a general framework of "Workflows and Integration". This modular approach will make it easier to support more use cases and add integrations in the future.

Let us know what integration we should add next:

Feedback: Suggest an integration


Brought to you by the folks at Paperpile.

We love papers so we blog about it.


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